The Energy and Minerals Week is an annual week-long event organised by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD). It started as an energy efficiency week in 2005 with the objective of creating awareness amongst the public on the efficient utilisation of energy. Thus, particularly the event is organised for a number of reasons including:

  1. Creating awareness among the general public on various aspects relating to energy and minerals through provision of information;
  2. Providing platform for issue-based dialogue and engagements among stakeholders and partners;
  3. Providing platform for the promotion of the efficient and rational utilization of energy and minerals resources;
  4. Promote private sector involvement in the development of the energy and minerals sectors;
  5. To support private sector in the sale and marketing of technologies related to energy and minerals.

The key players and actors in the energy sector would come together through an exhibition to share ways of conserving energy using sensitization campaigns and marketing of efficient energy products. In 2012, it was rebranded as the Energy Week so as to focus the event on, ‘Sustainable Energy Utilization.’ Since then, it has become a popular event with numerous partners and over 100 key stakeholders participating in the event.

The theme for the Energy and Minerals Week, 2020

The event will take place from 1st – 4th December, 2020, and due to the impact of Corona Virus Disease-19 (COVID-19), the Energy & Minerals Week 2020 is being organised to take place virtually under the theme, ‘Energy & Minerals for Industrialization, Job Creation and shared prosperity’. The focus for this year’s Energy & Minerals dialogue is on Efficiency and Sustainability as well as building market for the products and services within energy and minerals sector.

 Energy and Minerals week 2020 activities are scheduled as follows:

  1. Radio promotions to start running- Wednesday 25th November, 2020;
  2. Press conference at Media Centre – Monday 30th November, 2020;
  3. Biomass Energy Dialogue – Thursday 3rd December 2020;
  4. Celebrating 100 Years of Geological Survey in Uganda – Thursday 3rd December 2020;
  5. Power Forum 2020 – Friday 4th December 2020.
