How to join the Network
Membership to the RECSO Network shall be open to any legally constituted and credible civil society organization, institution, or individuals that demonstrate a commitment to the Network’s objectives and whose mandate is relevant to the Renewable energy sub sector. However, these shall be subjected to conditions and procedures prescribed here.
Selection procedure and feedback
Organizations/individuals with intent to become members, will follow the procedure and steps stipulated as follows:
- The guidelines for application to join the RECSO Network should be available to interested potential members. Thus, they should be published on the RECSO Network website;
- Intending members should submit to the secretariat with a copy to the Chairperson Steering Committee a duly completed application form or write an application letter for membership;
- The application letter/form will be addressed to the Chairperson of the RECSO Network Steering Committee;
- The Application letter/forms will be accompanied with other supporting documents like board structure, the latest annual performance reports, the latest activity reports;
- Organizations/ individuals who are already members at sub regional level will obtain recommendation from the secretariat of the sub-regional hub as one of the requirements for decision making in respect to their application to join the RECSO network. Of note is that such institutions must have operations within and outside the sub-region and henceforth should be seen to be operating at a national level.
- Membership application letters/forms will be received by the Secretariat for review and compilation;
- The RECSO Network Secretariat will review, synthesize the application and support documents and further conduct due diligence about the applicant. A summary in this respect will be prepared for discussion and decision making in the scheduled RECSO Network steering committee meeting;
- Membership applications/forms will be vetted and approved by the RECSO Network Steering Committee;
- The Secretariat will write a letter with feedback and decision/s of the RECSO Network Steering Committee within 14 days;
- For those, whose applications have been considered, this letter should be accompanied with the memorandum of principles of the Renewable energy CSOs Network;
- The organization whose application has been successfully considered as a member should write an acceptance letter to the Chairperson RECSO Network Steering Committee with a copy to the Secretariat reaffirming the commitment of the organization to uphold the memorandum of principles of the Network.