Environment Alert (EA) is implementing a project titled ‘Increasing access to sustainable and renewable energy alternatives in the Albertine Graben’ that aims at communities adopting sustainable renewable energy alternatives to reduce dependency on biomass for their energy needs. The project is being implemented in collaboration with the World-Wide Fund-Uganda Country Office (WWF-UCO) with financial support from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). One of the project outcomes is ‘Project CSOs have capacity to engage government and private sector on adoption of policies, legislation and best practices for sustainable and renewable energy access. Under this outcome, there are a number of outputs and one of them is Output 1.4: WWF and project CSOs have created networks to coordinate civil society engagements at national and local levels

There are already initiatives that have been done to contribute to the achievement of the above project output, and among them is formation of Renewable Energy CSO Network in 2018 in order to ensure organization and coordination mechanisms for a shared and structured engagements agenda with the MEMD and other relevant ministerial departments and agencies (MDAs) to influence access to clean and sustainable management of renewable energy resources.

Following the formation of the Network, a committee was constituted to develop a Memorandum of Principles/regulations for the Renewable Energy Coalition to ensure smooth running of the Network.

Articles 9 of the Memorandum of Principles/regulations provides the governance structures of Network and guides how these periodically meet to discuss matters of importance to the Network. Subsection 9.1 provides for AGM; which is the supreme decision-making organ of the Network. The General Assembly meets annually to discharge its functions.

It’s against this background that Environment Alert on behalf of RECSO Network is organinsing the AGM to approve and provide guidance on several governance issues for the Network.

The objectives of the meeting is to:

  1. To highlight the key network achievements in respect to governance, leadership and mobilization;
  2. To highlight the Renewable energy CSO Network performance in 2020 and future outlook in 2021. Narrative Technical Report and Financial Report.
  3. To approve the Renewable Energy CSO Network Website, letterhead, thematic working group composition and the respective TORs, Members that formalized their membership, and new members of the Network.
  4. To provide space for Network members to exhibit their IEC materials to enhance members visibility and work across the Network.

The activity is scheduled for 18th November 2020. However, participation is only by invite.